
Palmer Penguins

Load Packages Read in penguin diagram Summarize data Simple plot Customize Plot Load Packages library(tidyverse) library(palmerpenguins) library(ggnewscale) library(sf) library(patchwork) library(showtext) Read in penguin diagram This is a rough draft of a heatmap diagram specifically for the {palmerpenguins} dataset, and at the time of this writing is living on a development branch of the very nascent Simple Features For Science {sffs} warehouse / package. sf_palmer <- read_sf("https://raw.

Australian Pets

Since ~2007, the RSPCA has seen increased success rehoming and releasing animals

Tidy Tuesday: NFL Stadium Attendance

Dip into the new ggttext package to get some rich text formatting in a plot’s title. Also: sports.

Tidy Tuesday: University Research Funding

Animated GIFs showing changes to funding of university research, broken down by speciality.

Tidy Tuesday: How The Housing Price Index Flipped

A look at housing price trends over the last century with a compound infographic.