Palmer Penguins

Load Packages Read in penguin diagram Summarize data Simple plot Customize Plot Load Packages library(tidyverse) library(palmerpenguins) library(ggnewscale) library(sf) library(patchwork) library(showtext) Read in penguin diagram This is a rough draft of a heatmap diagram specifically for the {palmerpenguins} dataset, and at the time of this writing is living on a development branch of the very nascent Simple Features For Science {sffs} warehouse / package. sf_palmer <- read_sf("https://raw.

Australian Pets

Since ~2007, the RSPCA has seen increased success rehoming and releasing animals

Simple Iteration over Variables with `lm()`

The function, lm_caller() Run the function manually Iterate (apply) over many dependent and independent variables Do it tidy! Plot from multiple models with ggplot This short tutorial covers the basics of making and using a function that takes characters for dependent (LHS) and independent (RHS) variables of interest and converts them into a formula for use in modeling, such as with ‘lm()’.

Tidy Tuesday: NFL Stadium Attendance

Dip into the new ggttext package to get some rich text formatting in a plot’s title. Also: sports.

Tidy Tuesday: University Research Funding

Animated GIFs showing changes to funding of university research, broken down by speciality.